Box Office Information
Regular Box Office Hours
10 AM - 4 PM • Monday to Friday • Phone and in-person service
The Box Office is also open in-person beginning 90 minutes before the event start time for events at the Winspear ticketed by the Box Office.
Please note that the Winspear doors are locked outside event times. To gain access to the Box Office during our regular daytime hours, please call or email us to arrange an appointment time or call us at arrival at the front doors to the Winspear.
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4 Sir Winston Churchill SquareCorner of 99 Street and 102 Avenue
In the heart of The Arts District in downtown Edmonton
Contact Us
Winspear Box Office
9720 102 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 4B2
Ticket Resale Policy
The Edmonton Symphony / Winspear has zero tolerance for scalping and insists that all patrons of our service abide by our policy stated herein. Tickets made available through this site are intended only for those who are actually planning on attending the shows requested. It is strictly prohibited to resell any tickets obtained through our Box Office for more than the purchase price. If you are found to be reselling, trading or brokering tickets that you purchased through our site for profit, the ESO / Winspear may, at our discretion, cancel your ticket order and all other pending orders in your name. If you are unable to use your Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (ESO) tickets, they may be exchangeable for another ESO performance up to 24 in hours in advance of the performance.
For important information on how to protect yourself against ticket resellers please click here.